Why Government Investigations?

The investigations that our government undertake hold the greatest consequences in their resolution. The policies that stem from the investigations findings impact every aspect of our society.
Therefore, the execution of these investigations must be beyond reproach, and the motives behind these investigations must also be beyond reproach.
In this blog, I have mustered my resources to research the incentives behind controvesial government investigations, their execution, and possible ramifications.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Individual Perspective

In reply to Marc's comment on Ignorance is Bliss, I will offer my personal perspective on the CIA investigation.
As someone who has had to closely follow "Rules of Engagement" in many executions of my duties to avoid legal repercussions, I can speak with authority on how this will affect the CIA agents performance and motivation.
It is a real moral destroyer when your superiors who sanctioned your "Rules of Engagement" do not support you publicly to worry about the opinion of critics.
In the case of the CIA, the agents will be more fearful of prosecution, than gathering information. The work standard plummets, security is compromised and some will move to the private sector.
The replacements will be a watered down version of a once powerful intelligence agency, dictated to by politicians who prefer a new viewer friendly CIA.
The politicians are already in place.
I'm certain the new training policies will be announced soon.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ignorance is Bliss

Another blog that I follow closely is that of European Member of Parliment Daniel Hannan. Mr. Hannans commentary on the European parliment, allows us, in the U.S. to see how our politics affect the rest of the world, and how the rest of the worlds politics affect us.
Unfortunately, Mr. Hannans blog is easily accessable, this means we can view posts such as this graph and be justifiably concerned for our future.
Ignorance is Bliss, but Knowledge is Power.

Political Blogs

Two of the blogs that I have on my blog roll, and track on a regular basis, are The Huffington Post, and Michelle Malkin . They offer polar political perspectives on issues as they happen. Their information is up to date and their analysis is well respected in their circles.
The postings in these blogs, contribute to information sources used as a basis for my research in to government investigations.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

C.I.A. Investigation

On 24 August 2009, U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder appointed Federal Prosecutor, John Durham to investigate possible crimes applying Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, used by the CIA during the interrogation of enemy combatants that would violate Title 18 Section 2340-2340A of United States Code
The motive behind this investigation has invited a lot of controversy. The main reason for this is, as the documents presented will show, that the CIA and the Department of Justice understood the legal ramifications of interrogation and consulted with each other repeatedly on the interpretation of the Law surrounding interrogation tactics. The DOJ signed off on every technique as legal. Therefore, the CIA interrogators were fully aware of their boundaries regarding the techniques they could employ during interrogation.
A.G. Holder has not cited any new evidence that may warrant a second investigation.
The first investigation is documented in the IG report of 2004

So why the investigation?

22 January 2009

President Obama issued Executive Order 13491 – Ensuring Lawful Interrogations.
In this order, the President ordered the closure Guantanamo Bay and other Certain Detention Facilities.
(White House)
“The CIA shall close as expeditiously as possible any detention facilities that it currently operates and shall not operate any such detention facility in the future.”
The President also ordered the formation of a Special Inter agency Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies.
15 April 2009
In an interview with CNN En Español, the following exchange happened between the president and the interviewer;
Q Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón is considering a lawsuit filed by attorneys representing six Spaniards who were at one point held at Guantanamo. And that lawsuit wants to go after President Bush's legal team. What is your reaction to that?
President Obama: Well, you know, obviously I've been very clear that Guantanamo is to be closed, that some of the practices of enhanced interrogation techniques I think ran counter to American values and American traditions. So I've put an end to these policies.
I'm a strong believer that it's important to look forward and not backwards, and to remind ourselves that we do have very real security threats out there.
15 April 2009
On the same day, the President said, “I'm a strong believer that it's important to look forward and not backwards, and to remind ourselves that we do have very real security threats out there,” the Obama administration releases following CIA documents regarding interrogation methods.
In all of these documents the DOJ states that the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques do not violate US Law.
Following these reports, on 31 August 2006, the DOJ sent a letter to John Rizzo of the CIA assuring him that the DOJ,s interpretation of the law states that the CIA is not committing a crime if they follow the policies laid out.
14 May 2009
Speaker of the House Pelosi stated that “it is the CIA’s’ policy to mislead”, and she claims that “the CIA misled congress”. "Every step of the way the administration was misleading the Congress and that is the issue and that's why we need a truth commission," she said.
The only thing Speaker Pelosi claimed she was misled on was that she was not informed that the CIA were water boarding. This was also authorized by the DOJ
Pelosi also stated that she has been calling for a Truth Commission into possible illegal activities authorized by the Executive Branch to utilize torture.
CIA Director Leon Panetta’s responded to Speaker Pelosi.” Let me be clear: It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress. That is against our laws and values."
24 August 2009
AG Holder appoints prosecutor John Durham as investigator into CIA operatives’ possible unlawful interrogation tactics and releases the 2004 IG s Report on Torture.

24 August 2009

The NY Times writes that the Obama administration will continue the Bush administration’s practice of sending terrorism suspects to third countries for detention and interrogation, but, administration officials said, pledges to closely monitor their treatment to ensure that they are not tortured. The Special Inter agency Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies completed their report http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2009/August/09-ag-835.html commissioned in January, and details that assurances be obtained from those that interrogate that detainees will not be tortured.

9 September 2009
The CIA has a new External Advisory Board. CIA Director Panetta announced the board, comprised of politicians, who will advise the CIA in Politics, essentially castrating them.
Benefits and Consequences of the Investigation
The Obama administration can only gain two things from this investigation. If they find that crimes were committed, they can get one up on the Bush administration. The President can gain a political advantage by pardoning the “guilty”.
However, the statute of limitations for prosecution of a crime under Title 18 Section 2340-2340A of United States Code is Five years. Considering the alleged crimes happened in 2002, prosecution will be impossible.
The consequences are grave. Destroy the CIA’s reputation, work, and morale. Possibly endanger national security and politically divide the country.
Also consider that the President is keeping overseas detention facilities open. With mid term elections are on the horizon, I'm sure the Republicans will return the Presidents CIA campaign with their own detainee camp investigation. Whatever this investigation produce, it will be within the statute of limitations to prosecute whoever is involved.
On 4/15/09 the President’s “look forward” speech made him look bi-partisan and grabbed the headlines, but then he released the CIA documents to advance his politics and appease the ACLU.
On 8/24/09, he did the same thing, he appointed a prosecutor to investigate the CIA, which grabbed the headlines and floated that overseas detention facilities are to remain open.
The CIA has been investigated previously, and only one contractor was convicted of interrogation abuse.
Any agents cited of wrongdoing cannot be prosecuted .
All of these facts have been authenticated through government sources and video excerpts. Links to the sources are in the text for your own research and verification. Based on the facts provided above, I conclude that this investigation is politically motivated solely for the fact that no one can be prosecuted.
Therefore, the integrity of the government is in question and the trust of their executors lost.
The 2004 IG s Report on Torture, was released on 24 August 2009. On Page 109 Section 255, CIA agents expressed concern over possible future prosecution in the US or abroad, and that a future US Government would not stand behind them.
I Wonder why?

Friday, September 11, 2009

REMEMBER 9/11/2001

The following speech was given by Winston Churchill on
11 September 1940
regarding the bombings of London.

Winston Churchill
September 11, 1940
Broadcast to London

When I said in the House of Commons the other day that I thought it improbable that the enemy’s air attack in September could be more than three times as great as it was in August, I was not, of course, referring to barbarous attacks upon the civil population, but to the great air battle which is being fought out between our fighters and the German Air Force......

Every man and woman will therefore prepare himself to do his duty, whatever it may be, with special pride and care. Our fleets and flotillas are very powerful and numerous; our Air Force is at the highest strength it has ever reached, and it is conscious of its proved superiority, not indeed in numbers, but in men and machines. Our shores are well fortified and strongly manned, and behind them, ready to attack the invaders, we have a far larger and better-equipped mobile Army than we have ever had before.

Besides this, we have more than a million and a half men of the Home Guard, who are just as much soldiers of the Regular Army as the Grenadier Guards, and who are determined to fight for every inch of the ground in every village and in every street.

It is with devout but sure confidence that I say: Let God defend the Right.

These cruel, wanton, indiscriminate bombings of London are, of course, a part of Hitler’s invasion plans. He hopes, by killing large numbers of civilians, and women and children, that he will terrorise and cow the people of this mighty imperial city, and make them a burden and an anxiety to the Government and thus distract our attention unduly from the ferocious onslaught he is preparing.

Little does he know the spirit of the British nation, or the tough fibre of the Londoners, whose forbears played a leading part in the establishment of Parliamentary institutions and who have been bred to value freedom far above their lives. This wicked man, the repository and embodiment of many forms of soul-destroying hatred, this monstrous product of former wrongs and shame, has now resolved to try to break our famous island race by a process of indiscriminate slaughter and destruction.

What he has done is to kindle a fire in British hearts, here and all over the world, which will glow long after all traces of the conflagration he has caused in London have been removed. He has lighted a fire which will burn with a steady and consuming flame until the last vestiges of Nazi tyranny have been burnt out of Europe, and until the Old World—and the New—can join hands to rebuild the temples of man’s freedom and man’s honour, upon foundations which will not soon or easily be overthrown.

This is a time for everyone to stand together, and hold firm, as they are doing. I express my admiration for the exemplary manner in which all the Air Raid Precautions services of London are being discharged, especially the Fire Brigade, whose work has been so heavy and also dangerous. All the world that is still free marvels at the composure and fortitude with which the citizens of London are facing and surmounting the great ordeal to which they are subjected, the end of which or the severity of which cannot yet be foreseen.

It is a message of good cheer to our fighting Forces on the seas, in the air, and in our waiting Armies in all their posts and stations, that we sent them from this capital city. They know that they have behind them a people who will not flinch or weary of the struggle—hard and protracted though it will be; but that we shall rather draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival, and of a victory won not only for ourselves but for all; a victory won not only for our own time, but for the long and better days that are to come.

Provided by kind permission of Mr. Winston S. Churchill.
Copyright Mr. Winston S. Churchill
The full speech can be here

Very appropriate.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Health Care Fraud

On May 20, 2009, in Attorney General Holder speech, he announced the formation of a "senior-level taskforce" as a new initiative to combat Medicare Fraud. This is a good idea as Medicare is a government run heathcare system funded by taxpayers. If the government wastefully spends tax payers dollars, they should use all available resourses to combat this.

On June 24, 2009, F.B.I. Director, Robert S. Mueller, announced an investigation into Health Care Fraud?
More specifically, an investigation into "unnecessary or non-existent treatment".
This is different from the investigation A.G. Holder has initiated because the F.B.I. investigation is in to Private Health Care Fraud not Medicare.
Why then was this investigation launched?
On its' face it's a noble cause, but consider that the President is having a hard time promoting Health Care Reform.
On July 23 ’09 the President referred to doctors unnecessarily extracting tonsils in a speech he gave.

Should medical malpractice (unnecessary or non existent treatment) invite government intervention?
Is the government using our resources ethically, or are they using our resources to empower their position?
Has the integrity of the F.B.I. been compromised by undertaking a political investigation?